I like science, computer graphics, animations, math, physics, designing systems or algorithms and working with low-level apis...
I may not have enough experience with all my interests but I'm trying to do my best.
Currently I'm actively working on these projects (list may change over time):
- Universal Shading Language and its compiler, VM and libraries - In Progress -
- Compilers
- Desktop Environment (like Gnome) for BSD/Unix/Linux
- 2D/3D Asset File Format
- Cross platform GPU library (for rendering and gpgpu)
- Render Engine Done ✔
- Physically-based path tracer for production rendering
- Math library Done ✔
- 3D Asset Importer Done ✔
- HTTP Application Server (like nginx, apache) and network/http libraries/utilities
- UI Engine built top of GPU
- Image library - In Progress -
- Image filter library
- Computer Vision library
- Timers Done ✔
- C bindings for Metal Framework Done ✔
- Data structures Done ✔
- XML parser Done ✔
- JSON parser Done ✔
- Physics engine - In Progress -
- Some softwares/apps (Notes, Drawing, FTP...)
- and more...
Projects in TODOs (I'm doing some research and implementation for these in my free time):
- Game Engine
- 2D|3D Modeling and Animation Tool
- 2D|3D Drawing Softwares
- Animation Softwares
- Photoshop-like image editing software
- Illustrator-like vector software
- 2D|3D Drawing Libraries and Tools
- Database
- Database UI app
- Virtual Machine Runner (like Parallels and VMware)
- Operating System
- Operating System Kernel
- and more...
There are lot of things to do :) All of these are hobby projects, so there is no deadline (for now).